This FPS doesn't focus on the story as much as the graphical effects

User Rating: 7.5 | Black PS2
Black is a first person shooter game from EA. The game has alot of explosions and shooting within the game, but will get very repetitive after two or three missions. The game follows Jack Kellar, a member of The Elite Black Task Force and the game's story will be told through flash backs where you play the levels and figure out the story. The game could have been alot better if more was put into the other aspects of the game besides the looks.
The game controls like you standard first person shooter and allows you to carry two guns at a time as well as grenades. The guns that you can use during the game are an Uzi, an AK-47, an RPG, a sniper rifle, a shotgun, and a pistol. Though the weapons are different, the assault rifles and Uzi feel similar to each other. The guns sound great when you are firing them or are getting fired upon by enemies. Some allow you to use silencers to try and be stealthy during your missions. Sometimes though there is no point after you reach a certain point of the level you are on.
The enemies in the game are nothing special and don't seem to be as smart as you would want them to be. There are only a few different enemies, some will have armor, some will have helmets, and some will have shields. The enemies can be pretty dumb at times and I was able to pretty much walk right up to some and they will notice you when I was about to kill them. Sometimes there would be two enemies standing next to each other and I shot one in the head and the other didn't even react to it. Though the enemie AI are not like this all of the time you will notice it enough to bug you.
The game looks pretty well and the explosive effects are amazing. You can destroy alot of things including, walls, head stones, windows, boxed, cars and even parts of buildings. What kind of ruins this is that if you look closely at the wall, you can see the line where the wall will break apart. Sometimes there seems to be an overkill of explosives to shot and will seem like the game was made just for the effects of these explosions.
The game's story isn't as interesting as I thought it would be, but is still kind off interesting. The game has a great score and will remind you of a movie when playing. The game could have been alot better if the story and the AI was better. The game is still fun to play and if you like first person shooters, I recommend that you at least rent.