Black is a hollywood action game with some awesome action sequences, though I feel they could have done better.

User Rating: 7.8 | Black (Platinum Hits) XBOX
Black is a long awaited game from Criterion, which has given us the awesome Burnout games. The thing about the Burnout games is that they are incredibly entertaining even though it's not realistic at all. This is exactly what they've tried to do in Black as well, but the entertainment value doesn't fully overshadow the lousy A.I. and very short story.

The graphics are very impressive and destroying the scenery is very saticfying. The weapons look awesome and feels great. The enemies on the other hand look okay, but some better animations would have been nice. When shooting down the enemy you don't really feel that "punch". In a game with this much shooting there should have been a better feel to it when firing people down.

The sounds are very good. The sound effects are awesome and the weapons sound great. They make a lot of noice and just going mental on the windows is awesome. I miss some more music during the firefights, but that gets better in the later missions.

The first person shooter genre is more crouded than any other genre, and most games try to do the exact same thing, but Black is kinda different. This is pure entertainment. You don't play this game because you learn anything, nor because you wanna play something new and revolutionary, but because you wanna have fun! Cause this is fun! Black delivers incredible action and feels like a typical hollywood film. All the cars makes an incredible explosion when fired at, and throwing a grenade inside a building makes all the windows turn into a million flying particles. This is Black at its best and if they could have fixed some major problems the game could have reached the top FPS games. First of all the artificial intelligence is crap. It's like the one we saw in old games like Goldeneye and Perfect Dark!! You can run up on enemies from behind and they wont notice you unless you stare them in their eyes! You can shoot them down with a silenced pistol and the guy standing next to him won't notice anything! In one stealth situation I got fired at by this dude and I shot him down with my silenced M4 and his buddies didn't mind at all!! This is bad! This kinda ruins the overall gaming experience, cause you never know how the enemy will react, cause it's not realistic nor understandable. The second problem is how short the game is. There are only 8 mission and each'll last you like 30-45 minutes. I think it took 5 hours for me to finish the game, and then there's no multiplayer for you to play, nor any challenges or new unlockables, there's only the single player story! That's all! And compared to games like Timeplitters: Future Perfect you can begin to wonder why you should buy a game that lasts 5 hours instead of at least 30 hours! Black is an entertaining game and is probably worth playing through again, but it's so incredibly short you ought to just rent it or buy it second hand.