The graphics for this game a truely spectacular and the gamplay i found totally brilliant; a particular level being played on a massive bridge i found to be of great fun! I f you have a 9 to 5 job thenthis is the perfect game to come home to especially if you have had a really bad day. I have played this game on normal difficulty for about 2 weeks (for about an hour and a half each day) and have to say that this is the best shoot em up game ive ever played on this console rivalling all others and blowing them to smithereens!!! I have absolutely loved playing this game and recommend it to anyone who just wants to have some good clean fun! BUY IT now
Black was a hyped first person shooter that was suppose to deliver an explosive, destructible, chaotic shooter, which it did. The story is quite addicting. In Black you start off with a cut scene with real actors. You... Read Full Review
Apparently the PS2 isn’t dead. Then again, that’s what they said about 2Pac and he hangs out at my place all the time. EA and Criterion, a team better known for creating “Burnout” titles, joined forces to create a pixel ... Read Full Review