I think that this game was way overrated in it's release and that all they really had to do to save me 50 bucks was say "its like every other shooter.... EXCEPT YOU CAN PUT BULLETS IN EVERYTHING!" This game wasn't rated accurately... it should've been in the 6.0s. Not to mention the story is kind of lame... You have to actually just sit there and pay attention to two guys talking! I mean most of it is senseless stuff and the guy who is questioning him is kind of retarded in the way he questions him... they almost don't seem professional at all. They could have given the story a bit of a different way to go... The whole wronged soldier thing is a bit of a replay. But for the sake of rambling too much I'll say one more thing.... good game to play for 10 minutes at a time... not long periods of time
All gamers have individual reasons for playing games; it would be foolish to suggest otherwise. Thus, when playing a game and determining its successes and failures, one does so in terms of their initial desire. Black,... Read Full Review
Critierion decided to make a FPS that shares the common goal with its famous racing franchise, Burnout, with spectacular explosions that gets your heart going, judging from their resume, you'll expect something good, but... Read Full Review