it's cheap, it's pretty and while Blacklight: Tango Down far from perfect is a great online shooter.

User Rating: 8 | Blacklight: Tango Down X360
a majority of gamers prefer multiplayer over campaign when it comes to shooters which is why it shouldn't suprise anyone when ignition entertainment anounced that they are making a futuristic sci-fi online multiplayer shooter for only 15 bucks. while it may sound like a cheap bargain bin call of duty, it is actually a unique and fast paced shooter that is well worth 15 bucks. sadly the black ops (ignitions version of single player/ co-op) is not that great. The black ops are where you play as an agent for blacklight and run around killing enemies and playing boring mini games. they can be fun and challenging but it leaves alot to be desired. especially considering it's light on story. so what is the world of Blacklight? if you take a look at he how to play menu than you will find out that blacklight is a bunch of heavily trained U.S. soldiers with hight tech eqiutment. they are sent into Russia to find one of their squads only to discover that the order has taken them hostage. The Order are a bunch of rogue military operatives and local militia who also have high tech equitment. sadly, that all the story you get. and that's Tango Down's major falw: it takes you into a awesome looking sci-fi universe but doesn't explain much. But what is really good about Blacklight Tango Down is how fast paced the multiplayer is and that's because everyone get a visor with something called HRV (hyper reality vision) which at the touch of a button lets you see where everyone and thing is. you can also customize your weapons (including barels, stock, magazines,scopes, etc.). also the health system keeps you constantly on the move because health doesn't regenerate like most shooters. instead you have to find a health station and stand their to heal. also the same for resuplying ammo. Also Blacklight: Tango Down is also a pretty good-looking game too and it puts the unreal 3 engine to good use. In other words Blacklight: Tango Down may be (sadly) light on story, it's still a great and fast paced online shooter that is well worth the 15 bucks.