For a budget multiplayer game you won't find a better thing to spend 10 quid on.
Lets keep this in perspective, the game is £10, you don't expect Call of Duty for £10 unless you're the person who answers those emails from African Princes and those pop ups pretending to be virus scanners.
Yes, this game needs improvement. For example, the fixed spawn points make it a positive Butlins for campers, this is easily remedied though, campers are, by universal law, appaling players, they find a spot and sit there for 8 mins thinking they're having fun. Think of the fun when after two times of you dying, finding out where they are, flanking them, stabbing them in the back and laughing like Ming the Merciless watching a cat been put in a wheelie bin. Now, doesn't it just make your day when you show some camper that their tactic died in UT99?
I suppose thats another thing I like about this game, a lot of old mechanics are mixed in with the new. OK you choose your loadouts like in CoD, it's not copying, it's the same as RPGs where you gain EXP, the FPS genre seems to have stolen now (L337 DEX from FPS games there!)
So you have a health bar. What? You've got to think "Hmm, theres a health station there but I might get shot up running there, or spotted then sniped, I can't just wait till my screen stops being blurry like most games these days..." If you grew up on games like UT, Doom, Duke Nukem 3D, Quake, etc. you know the score, don't act like a complete twit and run all Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid at the enemy when you only have 175 health and there's about 10 of them with SMGs, use that thing that sits between your ears (the hampster wheel).
"Wait, he's ducked behind cover, If I shoot said cover, I shall kill him!" I'm just going to say "Impenatrable sandbags?! Why don't the real army use these?" Again, old hats will remember the lack of bullet penetration in Wolfenstein 3D.
Those are the complaints I've heared about this game so here's a few good pointers:
1. The visor - helps you with those campers, for a limited time you see heat signatures through walls, you can see if someone's camping your spawn and act accordingly. The added balance to this feature is, start firing or prep your weapon and your visor turns back to normal, meaning no help in a gunfight, a feature I think evens the playing field.
2. Maps - They're the perfect size for the ammount of players, not too crowded (and when one area gets crowded you make a lot of enemies ((and kills! and which matters most?)) with a single grenade) also, unlike I've found with the recent CoD, you're not wandering around going "well, where the fudge is everybody?" Plus there's a decent handful of them.
3. Unlocks - Quick and fast, once you find out what your gun tags do (check google) you can jam them into your health and then you can do the occasional gunshoot at the O.K. Corral. Levelling up here usually means something new, lots of combos to suit your playing styles.
4. Price - As Brucie says: "The Price is Right!"
5. Graphics - Cyberpunk, how we love thee... Seriously, last time I was in Vegas, it was a coin toss between Cyberpunk and Steampunk.
6. Price - Vincent, but if it were money, and you had to hand over mere pennies for this game.
7. Pace - Quick, easy to learn and hard to master. Yes people at higher ranks get better stuff. You think I don't get miffed when the 15th blooming helicopter guns me down on CoD? Well, you're not so big without out your RCXD car now are you?
8. Price - See reasons above.
I warn you from buying this if you like a lot of things CoD related; bullet penetration, killstreaks, a singleplayer campaign that lasts 5 hours - this game has none of these things.
I urge you to buy this game if you enjoyed UT99 and Quake 3 (back to bed young ones, the grown ups want to talk about the good old days)
I read (somewhere, wikipedia, so it's probably as true as those magic beans that man sold me) that there's a Blacklight 2 in the works, the one thing I'd like from that is a single player story, cyberpunk could do with single player (Deus Ex anyone?).
Bottom line is folks, it's £10, that's pretty decent value for the game. It's quick and fast paced, it'll annoy a lot of people who get sever dominating kills on CoD then get shot to peices at level 1 on this, but stick with it, you'll be coming up with your own tactics in next to no time.