Some minor glitches and quirks, but overall its a great accomplishment!
It had some pretty good graphics, sure it had some glitches, but don't believe what all the other people tell you about these glitches, their over-exaggreating
about them! I played through this and found few if not any glitches.
The visuals are pretty good and make the environment look "pretty d*** good!"
The enemy is smart and take cover, flank you, the works.
And You're not alone out there soldier, You have a team that follow you around and are pretty smart. You get to control them have them breach, hold fire, fire at will, (they do that anyway..) throw a grenade, etc.
The voice acting is pretty good, And there is a butt-load of cursing.
overall my rating is 8. why?
graphics 9/10 (some minor glitches)
sound 8/10
story 7/10 (kind of predictable)
replay value 7/10
tilt 10/10
gameplay 9/10
AI 8/10