I'd definitely call it "underrated"
User Rating: 7 | BlackSite: Area 51 PC
No, this game isn't Crysis, Call of Duty, or Battlefield, but as it stands on its own, I think it's a pretty good title. One of the main things I liked about it is that it was easy to progress through the story and complete the objectives. In other words, it was very straightforward, and your goals were clearly laid out in a linear fashion, and quite often I like that in a game (but you may feel different if that's not your cup of tea). As far as presentation, I think they did a good job, as I played it on my Eyefinity-equipped system, and the world was convincing and detailed. Especially toward the end, you are treated with some great visuals when the game engine really starts to shine. I liked the combat, and there were a few fights that were incredibly fun and dramatic, although some might consider the small variety of enemies to be a con. Overall, I enjoyed it -- just more proof that just because something is a bit obscure, it doesn't mean that it's not worth your time (and I don't recall running into very many show-stopping bugs or glitches).