Standard fare shooter. Does basically all the necessities of a shooter right. Nothing innovative but so what?

User Rating: 7.5 | BlackSite: Area 51 PC
You're going to have a blast playing Area 51. Think of it as a Call of Duty with aliens. It's got all the jaw dropping moments that happen in alien movies and the intensity of squad shooters.

The graphics in the game are decent .You're going to need a hefty rig to run the game but it's real pretty when you do run it even on medium. There's an assortment of glitches on the game but there not as noticable as some people like to exagerrate. Particle effects and environments look fantastic. The performance issue on most computers is a downside. It can get pretty nasty at the best moments detracting the fun.

The gameplay is short and simple. Shoot anything that has a resemblance to alien or cyborg. It's a simple affair but it's loads of fun. The alien design is very creative and how you take them down is fun. Squad commands are done well enough so you don't need to look after them every second.

The sound is decent enough but you won't see anything that'll make you wonder who voices what. Everything sounds at the average level. Guns make the good booms and the aliens are felt straight out of movies.

I didn't get a chance at the multipalyer mainly because well no one is on. Which is a shame as the game chose a bad time for release. It's a decent game that doesn't do anything innovative but is alot of fun. It probably will get marked down because it gets caught up in all the other groundbreaking shooters at this time of year.

If you like to play shooters or want to relive alien movies this is your best bet. It's worth a rental but not worthy of the 60 bucks charged. Get it on a discount and trust me you'll have to admit it's a blast to play through.