User Rating: 5.5 | BlackSite: Area 51 X360
This game seemed at first that it would appeal to me, just after watching the Preview and the ad in the xbox magazines mostly because I like aliens, and army. But this game... wasn't... anything on how it looked. From level one I knew It would suck. The graphics quite pixilized if you get close to anything and the weapons are just half a dozen! No literally there are only 6 guns. The enemies are boring and badly drawn. And finally your squad does nothing for you. They don't kill anything practicly and you can't even get them to drive or anything you always have to drive the cars. The story isn't even good! Some random alien dna mixed with soldiers making there skin turn gray and they umm... grew spikes out of their armour. Just a bad game overall. Although it will give you something to play for an hour and a half that's practicly it. Don't waste money on even renting it unless you really want GS or something to shoot.