Last Gen rental material.
The first aliens you encounter move and sound just like the wraiths from GOW. and the second Aliens you encounter explode when you shoot them... just like the wraiths in GOW. Even the landscapes and textures look like they're GOW early development throw aways. The worm things that come out of the ground are straight out of Lost Planet and the vehicle drives EXACTLY like the warthog in Halo.
Your squad is a liability half the time and the controls stray away from the standard FPS formula enough to throw you off (pull the left trigger to zoom!? WTF!).
This is at best an ok rental. I rented this for $7.99 and felt mildly cheated. I can't imagine paying $59.99 for this crap. The story so far is the ONLY thing holding my attention at this point. Iraq is working on some sort of alien chemical warfare thats discovered when the US goes in searching for WMD's and then later gets loose and a small town (Rachael, AZ) gets contaminated with alien human hybrids? Thats the ONLY redeeming quality. This game should have come out 4-5 years ago on the original xbox.