how do ppl dont like this game????
gameplay: this game is fun!!!! instense action and awsome batlles and each level is great. its not the best fps though but still good enough for me!!! but its kinda like vanilla ice cream. its still great but sometimes u want more flavor 8.5/10
graphics: this is what really stunned me. the graphics are absluty amazing. they look real good and the detalis on the aleins are great. 9.5/10
sound: all of it sounded goo. the gunshots, ppl talking, screaming and other things. the sound was just awsome. 9/10
value: ok ull probably play this about 2 times through the campagin so its pretty moderate. 7/10
i know this review isnt very good and it s short but im really tired right now. ill probably make a better 1 soon.