BlackSite seemed to be an average, decently fun FPS but instead comes out feeling as though it's not finished.
User Rating: 5.5 | BlackSite: Area 51 X360
After playing the demo, I wasn't expecting the revolution to be delivered by this game. I was expecting an average shooter experience, and at it's best, most polished moments, it does deliver on those expectations. Too bad those moments rarely arise and are drowned in the sea of crap. The basic frame for a good FPS is there but it's almost like the developers got it half done and realized, "OH CRAP!!!! We spent the rest of the money on ice cream! oh well it's done enough." The campaign is easy, boring, and thankfully short. As for the story.... well, it's.... er..... I have no idea. It makes no sense when you really think about it, and the characters are... well, one dimensional. I'm not asking for Shakespear in my FPS', but I would like a cohesive narrative that gives context to what your doing. Perhaps the worst part of the story is the game's inability to decide on a tone, sometimes it gets all serious and wants you to care about whatevers going on, but too often something rediculous happens to try and break the "tension" but instead fails miserable. One example that comes to mind is the first on rails shooter section, a few seconds after getting on the gun the driver steps out to take a leak. Graphically, the game is a mixed bag. Some character models and enviroments look pretty good, but a lot of areas are untextured and look very rough. As for audio, it was not too good. Overall, this game is a disappointment and just doesn't feel finished. There were a few moments where I did have some genuine fun but those are far outnumbered by the boring and tedious moments.