when everything is good,suddenly you are k.o;

User Rating: 8.5 | BlackSite: Area 51 X360
as a FPS it is good with a sharp design and huge world;but after half an hour you recognize that you are alone with too many smart and clever foes;your friends are so smart but with themselve,not with you;
GAMEPLAY:is so good,everything is just in right place and you find safe places to imune yourself from shots;gun play so well,grenades act good and the heavy guns smoke foes up;car's control is good and smooth;aiming is so easy;when you want and what you want you can do in right time;but enemies never flees;
GRAPHIC:is sharp but not in close views;you can not find many bugs on it;characters are design so good;cars models are so real and guns are like real ones;choper's models are so great;world is so real too;rocks,grasses,waterfall,buildings,everything model is so great;but when you focus on little things like the wind effect,gun's effects
or the breaking of the glasses you can find them ugly;
AI:it is so good for foes and good for your friends;if you do not command your friend,they act so better and fight seriously,but when you command them,they act like an amateure; foes fight so good,suddenly they are showed up behind you and then you are dead;they use grenades so good too and ontime;huge one are a little fool;you can kill them easly;
finaly you can find this game so good;