One of the Best games, Highly Addictive
I remember stopping the game for a while because it got too hard, then I decided to go back to it, when I was more experienced at the kind of game, and completed it. Loved every second of it.
Now the combo moves that you have to do, sure they can be hard, but what game isnt when your trying to pull a combo off.
One of the greatest parts of the game, is when you are fighting an orc, and you chop its arm off, and you can pick the arm up and hit him with it. Its awesome, also you will see many a time where you swing your sword round your head, and cut off the orcs head, and see it rolling down the hill. The gore is excessive, but well worth a play. NOT FOR KIDS UNDER 18 ideally. In england the game is rated 18, as well it should be.