This has a basis of a hack-N-Slash game but it actually requires skill and quite a bit at that. It Rocks!!!
Graphics are great for even back in 2001. Shadows and physics are top notch.
The levels are detailed and the atmosphere is very freaky. I always play at night.
-Great characters that cover all types of styles. Barbarian, Axe-weilding dwarf, ninja-girl, and a well rounded knight. Each one, you will have to adept to their fighting style. The Barbarian can but is not effect with shields for example.
-Many weapons and shields to choose from. Bow and arrow, where you have to pick up your arrows again.
-The blood and damage effects are the best I have seen so far.
The only real down side to this game is its controls. Its hard to just jump into, but once you learn the difficult and perhaps clumsy controls it is so rewarding. And thats what a game should be like. Not something that you can master in 1min. This takes time and patients and if you put that time in, you will be rewarded with the most brutal, creepy journey that you have ever been on before.
Note: I noticed that some people mentioned that this is a 3rd person game. While this is mostly true but if you're brave enough, you can try the 1st person view where you can see your sword and arm. Extremely difficult to use this view, but will add a whole to graphic twist.
It saddens me that this game fell thru the cracks and did not get the recognition it deserved. It is a true master piece.
Only cons I can see:
-lack of character development, lack of non playing character interaction. You are alone in your gruesome quest.
-controls are hard to pick up. A game pad may make it very good but then you loose out on the free look.
If I could make love to game. .. .. ohh god did I type that?