Blade Runner: Almost as good as watching the movie.

User Rating: 8.4 | Blade Runner PC
Blade-Runner tackles most of the movie's atmosphere, promising an excellent adventure game with the same immersive soundtrack as the movie.

Welp, I just finished Blade Runner for the PC, and I am decently satisfied of my experience. I make a big deal about this, because its possibly one of the best PC games to ever imitat a movie...and its not just any movie either, its BLADE RUNNER, the #1 rated Sci-Fi of all time.

You start off as a blade-runner named Ray McCoy. You don't know much about him...and you wont learn too much throughout the entire game besides he obviously likes to drink, has a dog named Maggie.... He pretty is the Deckard from the film. You interact with some charactors from the movie, which I thought was neat. Replicants are different.

You don't really have any are on your own.

This is a REAL TIME RPG, which means lots of things can go either way.

It was fun using the Esper Device to enchance photos. I got to use it plenty of times. It was very easy and enjoyable to use. The creaters got this down on the mark! However, the Vought Kompf test was lacking due to the fact I only got to use it once, and it decided my subject was human. Luckily I saved before the test...and I tried it 6 times...and the test still tested the subject as a human..even though you get a better ending if you find the subject as a "replicant". Device was too difficult for me to use.

There is no real layed out gameplan. Much of the gameplay consists of walking from place to place, and back from place to place. There's clues everywhere, but no specific clues. Gameplay was very easy by the way.

Gameplay was great. It was real simple. Not too much hotkeys, most of everything you is with the mouse only.

On of the best things about this game was the photos and scenery. They captured everything from the movie EXACTLY. I had to watch the movie again (for the 6th time) after this game, and everything was spot on...almost inch for inch. I really felt like I was in the movie playing the game.

The music however was slightly lacking. They included Vangelis's "Blade Runner Blues", and thats the only theme I heard besides walking down the marketstreet where I heard Vangelis Egyptian Theme which was cool. The only time you hear the (possbily, the most important theme) Blade Runner Blues theme is when you walk outside on your patio at your apartment. Thats basically it besides the intro. There really is no music during gameplay. Much of it is silent.. The ambient sounds were great...the rainfall, people talking, etc. Vangelis music REALLY sets the Blade Runner Mood, and I was unsatisfied of this.

Difficulty is pretty easy. I didn't have much trouble with anything. Only thing that requires training is using your firearm. You have to aim carefully, and shot your opponent many times before he drops.

I didn't kill any Replicants during my entire 12 hours of gameplay. I saw them, and let them die on their own, but I never killed any, because mainly, I didn't have the chance! I killed 2 people, the entire game...and they were criminal suspects (not reps). So I really missed out on that experience.

Game did not seem buggy at all. My only beef, is I was unable to use the shooting range during my entire gamplay, because the targets would fail to come I was unsure about this.

I rated this game an overall 85%, which signifies to a Good game..and a must for a Blade Runner Fan. Adventure fans will like it, and overlook some of its flaws.


*Scenery was Perfect. Couldn't be better.

*Simplicity of the game made it enjoyable.

*Voice Acting was good

*Lots of different options, subjects, and objects to interact with.

*Imitated Movie Charactors very well. Esper device was fun


*Lacking Vangelis music.

*Dont get much Voight Komp test or Replicant Experience

*Not very objective on "what to do next" or "what you've done"

*Somewhat time was just shy of 12 hours....and I didn't read or use any faqs...I wasted lots of time too running back and forth.