What A Game! Fantasic Graphics! Amazing Music! All Your Friends Will Want it!

User Rating: 8.9 | Blades of Steel NES
If you really like hockey games and have played current (or even last) gen games, you won't get much from Blades of Steel. However, it's simplistic bliss for me. Games go by quick enough that you don't mind the rather poor AI (I'm sure it was better back in the day) or lacking control system (controlling both your highlighted player and goalie simultaneously). The Fights and a lot of fun, but don't accomplish much, as you don't really miss the guy that gets knocked out and into the penalty box. The shootout/penalty shot mode is hard to work correctly, and can be bothersome at times, but it's rarely in play, so it doesn't matter much.

Overall, this game is a really fun blast from the past hockey game. It's even better when you play with a friend and show them your old school moves.