Blades Of Steel is really simple but its overall quality is astonishing.
You would never know that it is possible to create a great hockey game with just two buttons at your disposal. However, Konami proves that... well, it is. The controls are very responsive, shooting and passing are made easy thanks to the automatic targeting system. The gameplay is very fast-paced and arcade-y.
Controlling the goalkeeper is also made easy. Since there is always an arrow that shows where the opponent is going to throw, it is much easier to anticipate the shot then in Nintendo's Ice Hockey.
This game also features shootouts and although they do not work like in real hockey (more like penalties in football), they are fun.
One of the main distinct features of the game is fighting. Should two players get up close and personal, the game will shift to another screen. The combat isn't varied(block, block below, punch in the face, punch in the stomach, that's all) but still a welcome addition... mainly because winning a fight brings you the edge. I think that this is the craziest decision for a hockey game but... the winner of the fight doesn't get a penalty. The judge only sends away the loser. That's sick.
Overall, Blades Of Steel is arcade hockey at its finest and is really fun, especially when playing with friends.