BladeStorm isnt a good game but 5.0 is kinda harsh BladeStorm will have its audience but really, this game is cor

User Rating: 6 | Bladestorm: Hyakunen Sensou PS3
ok lets try to do it simply i will probably do the graphic gameplay, and sounds stuff but lets get somethings outta the way
We all no Koei is infamous for making mediocre games ever since the era of "new generation consoles" so how is this game different u might ask, it isnt, it is stale and become repetive quikly. the cover of this game boasts strategy and tactics for this game but idk if logic is something u can call strategy. the game is fairly simple, nothing really intuitive or anything dealing with master strategies or whatever.
ok lets get to it

Graphics: its good but still sucks
BladeStorm isnt really a nice looking game to look at. character designs are bland and generic, environment is nothing to look at either it seems that somethings were recycles from their other game (maybe Dynasty Warriors or Kessen maybe?) but hey it should really matter that much. the onli thing that i think is nice to look at are the skirmishes since it looks a bit epic but usually they really dont last too long and usually seems really bland in the end. We all no Koei isnt to high on the graphics but still this is a new gen game, it should look stunning at least i mean the hardware of the 360 and PS3 isnt there to run outdated graphics, its there to give a new edge to gaming with nice visuals and awing gameplay but hey u cant blame some people for being incompetent to match the system standards. i really dont c any reason why a game on the PS3 should look as crappy as this does, i payed a good amount of money for a game console to deliver something better than last generations of games but i really dont see a difference so whats going on? do u not have up to date designers or u dont have the resources to make good looking stuff? seriously get in the competition or get left in the cruel dust of other gaming software cause they are pushing the limits and going all out. When u think about it this is a huge opportunity to become big and revolutionary with a new higher powered console and so far i only see what barely meets the standards of a functioning game. Some Koei lovers will flame me for this graphics stuff but hell YOU KOEI CULT GAMERS NEED TO OPEN UR EYES AND PLAY OTHER GAMES THAT ARE ACTUALLY GOOD GAMES, there is a good amount of them all u need is to check them out and then u will wonder why doesnt KOEI do something like they do, i mean its not cool to replicate other types of games but if ur game sucks maybe its time to go back to square one and borrow something from a good game and in this case how bout better visuals thats always a good plus for a game this day and century

SOUNDS: uh just simply sucks
ok let me elaborate cause that wasnt really fair of me was it? soundtrack isnt really good. it has an orchestra type thing going but its not engrossing and doesnt really fit in since the game is boring. i kinda think the score is going for an epic musical note but too bad that game itself isnt epic. i kinda feels like some guy in part of the production crew told some guy to come up with a soundtrack that is medieval war like battle music and the composer just simply gave out the most generic songs u can ever here and "meh" it fits and meshed in with everything. it seems there wasnt much effort but into the music and if there was i really pity the guy who tried hard to give out a mediocre soundtrack. so music= mediocre which to me is analogous to crap. ok lets get on something else, how bout voice acting?
ok so we all know Koei is infamous for having crappy voice talent so how is this game different? it seems the crappy voice actors no how to put on a crappy european accent and it really doesnt matter wat accent they put up as long as it sounds european. u've heard it b4, have you ever had that annoying guy u no who, thinks that hes ur friend, try to put on an annoying european accent at an attempt to be a worth while human being but in reality he just simply sucks as a person and u wished he gets hit by bus so u dont have to deal with him nemore in ur lifetime?(if u are that person than enjoy being on the bottom of the social hierarchy) well its kinda like that but u cant punch them in the face without breaking ur TV. It just gets u thinking why dont they just speak normal english and it almost makes u wonder if the japanese version has a japanese voice actor with a french accent. Can u imagine if the english voice actors of Dynasty Warriors tried to sport a chinese accent? i would be appalled or crack up like crazy if it sounds something like "I WANN FIE DOLLA" or something of that elk. but hey if there is no japanese dubbing with a french accent then there really isnt any need for english dubbing with a french accent either, im pretty sure the french didnt speak english to each other but hey im no historian i just have more than an ounce of knowledge. Ok now on to the next thing

Gameplay: ok now this is the onli thing that is probably the best thing about the game but that is not really saying much, its like saying the best thing about a zombie apocalypse is that u get get to shoot zombie (which is awesome) but u no they are trying to EAT YOU!!! and most likely its gonna be pretty bad.
ok let me try to paint a picture of how this game plays out.
basically u create a mercenary u can make either male or female (male for generic people with no personality and female for u perverts that want to see a woman in action but refuse to watch pornography... yea i doubt a chick would play this game but if one does then HAHAHA YOU LOSE) ok so u do all the customizing features and junk and there is ur generic anime looking character in a generic medieval european setting ready to do some generic looking battles. ok with all the creation done u get put into a tavern because after every harsh bloody battle everyone just want to chill out with a beer and some wenches on the side and the tavern's political status seems to be similar to a hospital since there seems to be no one attacking from either end, like theres no guy going "THE MOTHERF**KER WHO KILLED THOUSANDS OF OUR GUYS IS IN THERE, TORCH THE F**KING PLACE DOWN" everyone just seems cool about it, u no, there all very chill and mellow even if theres war going on and a few hundreds of thousands of lives are lost. So yea Tavern = impenetrable sanctuary dont even worry about getting assassinated or poisoned there its all cool. u also get contracts there cause u no the Tavern is UBER popular among the english and french and u get a sign saying "WANTED, NEED SOMEONE TO KILL SOME FRENCHIES or SISSY ENGLISHMEN AND TAKE CONTROL OF SOME BRAINDEAD GUYS WHO WILL DO WHATEVER U SAY EVEN IF THEY DIE CAUSE THERE THAT HARDCORE" so yea tavern = job office and theres also this queer merchant guy who sounds like a jackass and u kinda wanna stick a sword into him but u cant cause he sells u useful junk and there is no option to cut his head off. ok u get ur contract fight for either the french or the english and ur plastered right into the middle of a huge map with a mission to ransack a base mercilessly killing everyone standing in ur way be it woman, children, senior citizens, handicapped people, midgets, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King duo, Jesus, Pikachu, Squirtle, Agumon, Ash Ketchum, Misty, Brock, Nurse Joy, Officer Jenny, Naruto, Kakashi, the guy from Star Trek, Luke Skywalker, Chewbacca, Darth Vader, Yoda?, Yoshi, Mario, Princess Peach, BOWSER, Peter Griffer, Brian, Stewie, Homer Simpson, or ZOMBIES. so yea u kill EVERYONE and u get rewards for kills for upgrading junk which is a long and tedious system so u might as well turn off the system and take a pee break and pop in another game. Its fun for the first hour but then thats it that was ur 60$ worth or whatever u paid for the game. so yea that how BladeStorm rolls.

Potential: u no games like these could have been better if onli they spent the actual production doing some think rather than thrust a few lame ideas out and just worked on those. U see when u play BladeStorm its like something similar to the girl that got away, it could have been something beautiful but ALAS this game sucks. u c bladestorm had potential to be a great game with some innovative use of strategy i mean koei has done it b4 just look at kessen. if u meshed the kessen game style with bladestorm u could have gotten a pretty good game maybe something that the new generation consoles needed and make a stand in the competition but it pulled the Kingdom Under Fire on us and just stripped any strategy and stuck with a stale but different version of hack and slash that was supposed to be fun but NO!! it is not fun it is BOOORING.

BLADEstorm: The Hundred Years' War gets a 6.0... for being another Koei failure. When u think about all the crap i said about about Bladestorm 5.0 really justifies it but this is the kinda game u can get into if u have beaten all ur other good games and really have nothing to do than to finish another game u forgot that u had or if ur at a place with nothing but a tv, and ps3 or 360, bladestorm and some electricity.
Who is that guy from Star Trek?