While Fun at first, Bladestorm quickly becomes repetitive a few hours in with story missions few and far between.
While the gameplay was fresh the game was loads of fun but you just do the damn thing over and over again with the occasional dreadful escort missions plagued by awful friendly AI you sometimes literally have to push along. The only break from monotony was the story missions which while the same as everything else, at least was on an epic scale and had some cheesy voice acting to laugh about.
Another thing that was fun for awhile was upgrading my unit types. I ended up getting my maces and spears upgraded pretty much all the way in terms of unit size and damage and then the game became stupid easy. I could march directly into the heart of the entire french army and kill hundreds of men with 30 mace guys. There was one mace unit that could create earthquakes and shockwaves which annihilated anything in its path. Even units that were supposed to counter maces got wrecked instantly. Yes, I know the game has higher difficulty missions but even on ones where guys were the same level or higher I would trample all over them and if for some reason I didn't I could always instantly deploy my spear guys.
The game becomes a real monotonous grind once you get past the third story mission and you just grind out mercenary mission over and over again until you get a story one. After maxing my fame at the 2nd star and not seeing it go up anymore or seeing any story missions available I gave up. There are a bunch of different locales in the game to fight but they found a way to make everything look exactly the same so it felt as if I was seizing the same damn castle over, and over, and over again.
I recommend playing dynasty warriors instead, at least it requires you to mash buttons instead of just holding RB and watching your men roll through everything.