Like many people, I got caught up in the Blair Witch Project craze when it came out. Though I didn't really care for the movie, I enjoyed the concept and the overall storyline. So I picked up this series on a whim. I was not disappointed. The folks at Terminal Reality, who created Nocturne, took the helm of this title. In fact, two of the main characters from Nocturne feature in this game: you play the entire game as Doc Holiday, meeting up with the Stranger at the end. The play control is virtually identical to Nocturne. The storyline is quite good and seeks to explain much of the Blair Witch, while at the same time, raising new questions about the witch and the geographic area as well. In one particularly interesting sequence, various timelines converge at one place and the gamer is treated to a different outlook on the famous ending to the first movie. While the story is interesting, the gameplay isn't always. Not really much of an action game, it doesn't exactly fall into the puzzle genre as well. There are certainly times when you must fight off demons, and you'll also be scratching your head trying to discern clues at others, but much of the game simply revolves around traveling from one area to another in search of clues, locations, or people. This is one of the main drawbacks to the game. You'll spend much of your time running back and forth through a long stretch of woods, with no real variety to keep you interested. The repetitiveness of this traveling also seeks to hide the game's other drawback: it's fairly short. Most gamers should be able to finsih this game in sveral hours. At that point, the game really does not have much replayability to it. As an added "bonus", the programmers at Terminal Reality have put in a couple of hidden features that, while not really adding anything to the game, demonstrates their warped sense of humor. Put a quarter in the jukebox, and the waitress will rip off her clothes and do a pole dance to the song "Cherry Pie". There's even a code to allow you to play the entire game with Holiday completely naked, if that's your thing. Overall, I'd recommend this game to fans of the movie. Most casual gamers won't have much of an interest in it since it's really not adding much to the game market. I'd also recommend buying the bargain priced trilogy as opposed to single volumes, so as to maximize your value.
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