the best debu game yet
Looking back, that was time well wasted. Blast Corps is one of those "one of a kind" games that was ultra enjoyable and it's story line so stupid you just HAD to love the gameplay. And me oh my you did! The gameplay was so highly addictive I spent well over 100 hours playing it (try 6 hours a day for 4 months!)
Alas, no other game has yet touched this series guilty pleasure of gameplay. But that's probably because this game had a few massive flaws.
The first up was the stupidly annoying story line. It as so extremely vauge and in the end, stupid... that it just left a bad taste in your perverbial gaming mouth. Second was that the game made you use a sepcific vehicle for your destruction, you couldn't ever pick and choose. I think we'd all love to use that beautiful jumpsuit pictured at the top, but the bull doser would of also stolen the show. Yet, I think the least used of all the vehicles would of been that annoying dump truck >.