Ahead of it's time.
You may have a cushy job, a hot girl, a great big home and a sexy sports car...but somewhere deep down you know that all of it is meaningless. That your life is just one superficial shell with nothing inside. An empty, shallow, hollow void of an existence. If only you had played Blaster Master.
If only you had witnessed how a small boy's pet frog escaped into the wilderness, and came upon radioactive material...turning him huge and evil. If only had seen how the boy fell down a hole after his huge evil frog...only to find a kick ass suit, gun, and car. A car that was the definition of awesome. A car with a huge cannon on the front of it.
Yes, it's too bad you missed out on driving the car around a strange underground dimension. A car that could jump and shoot anything you wanted to. You missed out on a dimension filled to the brim with evil robots to destroy. And it's a shame you missed out on the innovation that was Blaster Master. Yes you poor sorry soul...you missed out on being able to jump in and out of your car. To explore where ever you wanted to. You missed out on opportunities of going into special areas without your car and getting a close up look at your character as he battled mazes, mechanics, and monsters.
Oh and how you must have cried at night, knowing you never got the chance to upgrade your super cool car into an even superer and cooler car after every boss you killed. This way you could explore even more of this untamed world. You missed out on adding things like a stronger blaster, the ability to have your car swim, to hover, to climb on walls and more. Tsk tsk. What a sad life you've had.
And to think, you never got to enjoy the pure beauty that Blaster Master is. You never knew how amazing and gorgeous an NES game could be. And the soundtrack...oh heavens how you never got to hear one of the greatest soundtracks in all of gamedom!
You may say to yourself "it's not too late! I can still find a copy and play it! I can still experience it!!" This is true...but you won't be nearly as inspired from it, for you have played dozens of games that have copied it's mechanics and design. So the experience, while still amazing, will fall short in comparison to the time the rest of us got to play it when we were 8...when games were fresh and new.
I know it's tough. But you'll just have to deal with the fact that your life will never be as fulfilling as it could have been. But please, don't despair...your life can still be kinda good.
Just don't buy a gun and do the unthinkable.....
But if you do, I understand...after all, you missed out on playing Blaster Master.