Lots of fun, great potential; frustration can be compounded though
B is a third person, over the shoulder, action shooter. Run around levels blasting aliens, looking for the level exit. Later levels are hub arranged. Lots of platform jumping. Several different power-ups for the weapon: ice blaster, flame thrower, homing missiles, etc. This game favors cuteness over realism. The main hero has a huge head/upper body and tiny legs, and the voice is the legendary Phil Hartman.
+ Fun to play.
+ Phil Hartman.
+ Different weapon power-ups.
+ Pause game brings up level statistics: aliens remaining, babes remaining, lives remaining.
- Frustrating pop-up turrets - which can’t be destroyed and continually fire mines at you.
- If you get killed and already collected all the good power-ups, good luck getting through the rest of the game with your pea-shooter.
- No load option on the in-game menu which makes #2 VERY annoying.