Looking for a new fighter? Look no further...
Blazblue has it all for fighting games. Don't be discouraged by the small choice of characters considering EVERY character is polished perfectly not to feel like a clone of another. After all how many clones can you have in one game without feeling like every character is exactly like another?
The controls are very easy to pick up with you basic light, medium, heavy, and drive attacks. Most moves are performed using a direction in combination to one of the four buttons. The drive button is a neat edition to a fighting game that makes you feel as if your doing your characters ridiculous button combinations for a 10 hit combo by just pressing your drive button and left along with other buttons.
What also makes this game great is four of the normal specials like a basic Hadoken move set is mps to the right stick and flicking it up or right does a basic special. The flick left is usually a Distortion Drive attack ( super combo ) and a flick down I have found are the hard to perform ASTAL DRIVES, Blazblue's form of a fatality.
All in all I have to much good stuff to say about Blazblue. The down side is a lot of gamers will over look this great fighter due to that overly Japanese art style. However, if you can get past that you can find a new series that rivals Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat in quality, or may even surpass them if they keep making Blazblue games this good.