DJ's review of Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII
The campaign can be frustrating even on the training mission, because the radio guy is annoying.At least, you can start over from your last checkpoint if you crash.When I got the chance to play it on Live, I figured out something.THIS IS WHERE IT'S AT!The only let down on Live is that you don't know who's talking.
The graphics are not exactly Ghost Recon or Oblivion, but they are still well done.The sound is pretty good, but the voice overs can be annoying and repettitive.
I don't know why people hate this game so much, because in the end it's just a boat load of fun.If you're not looking for a sim, rather an arcade then maybe this isn't for you.I believe you get the best of sim and arcade in here, but I wouldn't want to get any of you pissed.
In conclusion, there is no reason to hate this game.It's a very good flight sim.Just so I don't make you "waste" your money, rent it.I love it.