Not exactly what I was pumped for, but good none-the-less
Blazing Angels doesn't really stand out from other flight games that I have played. As a matter of fact, it kind of takes a step back, and uses standard type gameplay. Simplistic controls are also a part of this game. Right trigger to fire, left trigger to lock on, right stick to throttle, and left stick to move. The missions have a variety of options, but not in each one themselves. One mission will be take photos, another one will be to shoot stuff, another will be to defend, etc, but no mission has 2 varieties built into each other. Lame. But, it's still a fun game for the most part.
There are times the game looks amazing, and times the game looks generic. Maybe I need a better tv? The game still looks great overall though. Nice level design and plane design, even though both are pretty generic.
The worst part about the game right here. The SFX are okay, the music can be good, but the voice acting is just down-right terrible.
If you are trying to get all Ace status, then you'll be playing each level multiple times. Other than that, you might not ever touch a level again once you beat it. The multiplayer mode does put some life into the game though.
Not exactly what I was expecting from Ubisoft. I've been wanting this game for almost a year now, and it's finally out, and it just wasn't what I expected. The next Crimson Skies? Nah. A good, generic flight shooter? Yeah. I still think it's worth playing though.