Blazing Angels flies very well, and gives its players an exciting experience.
The game's flying mechanics take a little getting used to, but once you learn how to use the camera and throttle together, it becomes a enjoyable experience. The game's learning crave isn't the only problem, however. The other would be that landing your fighter takes more work than it should, and you never really figure out how to land because of the vague explaination on how-to.
Graphics: 8/10
The game's graphics take a slight leap above the last generation of systems, just enough to give its players a nice looking next gen title. Still, some will find the graphic to not be that impressive, considering the level of detail the Xbox 360 is showing off from games now. On a side note, the game does look nice and slightly better in 1080i. Sound: 8/10
The soundtrack of the game is limited, but the tracks are nice and long. The plane engines sound amazing and the gunfire is pretty good. However, the voice actors in the game can get very annoying, especially Joe, your co-pilot. The game also makes the Germans and Japanese rival pilots speak in English, which takes away from more than it should.
Value: 8/10
The game has over 40 planes to fly and each one can be upgraded and such. It also contains a long campaign, spanning 18 missions long. However, while the game contains a online multiplayer, you won't find any players surfing the game, except maybe on weekends when the pro fighters come on for the occasionally dogfight. Plus, you can now find the game for $40.
Tilt: 8/10
I semi-enjoyed this game's storyline, even though I found the fact that the Blazing Angels squadron "mysteriously" being in every single major battle to be very cheesy in how the game introduces this. Joe, your co-pilot, drags the story down since he tries to be the comedy relief nobody wanted. Overall: 8.0/10.0
This game is one of the sleeper hits for this year,but is overshadowed by other sleeper hits of the year. I reccommend the game, but only to those looking for WWII air combat. Others need not apply.