Saw this & was quite excited, but personally would advise saving $60.
If you've ever played a Dynasty Warriors game ever, you'll pretty much feel at home with this game because it's pretty identical to it other than the fact you're getting way less characters and in fact story also. Speaking of story, those who aren't familiar with the anime/manga will be at a total loss for they will more than likely not know whats going on, nor what happened up to this point. The plot pretty much begins at Hueco Mundo to the point of the battle with Aizen.
Story mode is very bland and not exactly exciting either. It's a short 14 missions total that only brings up pivotal points of the Arrancar Arc. Not only that, but if you expect a challenge out of this game you may as well challenge yourself to see if you can beat a friend at russian roulette. Through story mode it's not even necessary to level up a single character because all you need to do is pretty much tap the square button.
Luckily there are two more modes to play here. Theres the mission mode and soul attack mode which actually could provide you challenge (or at least it can be more challenging than Story Mode). Mission mode provides you 28 missions with some of the missions giving you restrictions such as complete in said so time or no health power ups in stage. Soul Attack is pretty much the same as mission mode just difference is that you can post your score on leaderboards. Not quite sure how many of them there were, but nowhere near as many as mission mode and maybe less than story mode also.
Now the Cell shaded graphics are pretty much the only real treat I got from this game in my opinion. It looks spectacular and pretty close to just playing an anime instead of a game. One thing I can't really forgive this game for is it's lack of characters. Now it did pretty much lay out the important one, but seriously? No Chad, Renji, none of the visors or Nel (yeah I went there. She should've been playable). I can understand some characters not being added, but there is a plethora of characters they could've put in, but didn't. Not even Tosen was thrown in yet they have a mission where you fight against Komura(? Think maybe I got the wrong character, but it's the Wolf guy) which could've added another 2 playable characters.
Aside from that all you pretty much get is a very linear game which your objectives is pretty much hack your way though the level, get trapped in an arena and destroy that which must be destroyed, and terminate target. It's as simple as that. I would only get this game if you are a die hard fan of the Bleach Manga/Anime. Otherwise make this a rental. I would say wait for a price drop cause it's more than likely gonna happen pretty quickly, but at the sametime I believe it's gonna be one of those hard to find games later on in the future.