Great DS street fighter style game And YES it is the best fighting game on the DS and will always be...

User Rating: 9.3 | Bleach DS: Souten ni Kakeru Unmei DS
This game is a great fighting game that has a very good fighting system and really works on the DS. Bleach DS is one of the fighting games that you can talk about to fighting fans and they will agree it is a good game.

Gameplay is solid and works very well on the DS. You never have a problem doing special moves or any other sort of moves.

Graphics are ok. Nothing really special about them. You know.. 2d stuff.. but works well with fighting this one. It has a street fighter style. there just rite. but I love the introductions and special moves which are full of animations and makes bleach and non bleach fans say 'wow'. Sound:
The sound in the game is cool. Really fits the mood and is really fighting style and bleachy.

The game is very worth it. i got mine for £40 at my nearest import shop. but is worth it with the amount of modes and extras. There are loads… seriously. arcade, story, training, shop, card mode, vs. mode, single and multicard multiplayer.... etc. AND wifi.

the game is not that difficult but the higher you put the computers level the more fast pace it becomes. BUT.... if you play online you will see the amount of skills and combos people can pull off and you in the future. you can get up to 500 hits if you keep your combos up and higher, but by that time they would be dead.

Time spent:
this game lasts for ever and the game pushes you to find more ways of making your combos better and with the crazy amount of modes you wont put this game down.

Learning curve:
the game doesnt take that long to learn all the special moves and basics. but it does take long to find and string in those long and amazing combos.

Import friendly:
For the guys that don’t have import shops that sell the game or what ever.. it is still worth buying it from lik sang or play Asia and all that. There is a lot of Japanese in it.. but ichigo’s voice in the background talks broken up English when you select and mode from the main menu. SSEEEGA.
You find it hard at first but when you play the game for a while you can test to see what each of the selections is and then there should be no problems. it is about 78% Japanese. Bleach 2nd...Is coming out.. But if you’re a fan of bleach definitely get the 1st one and if you’re a fan of solid fighting games or even if you’re looking for a good game on the DS it is worth it. The 2nd one probably won’t be that much of a difference anyway...

Naruto DS...
The new naruto DS game is also coming out that is fully 3D. Again if your a fan of bleach still stick with bleach and if your a fan of solid fighting games or even if your looking for a good game on the DS it is worth it.