It's like tekken on DS!
And if you completed the first story in which you have to save rukia.
Then you can still complete the stories of the other characters.
and over characters spoken there are i guess 20 characters ,All with unique powers and attacks.However you can do special
attacks with the buttons but you can also easily press a button on your touchscreen
.Because of that the game is too easy.And that is really a mojor problem. The Game Is Too Easy! And there are also cards .If you touch a card then the effect will affect your enemies,yourself or your party.
The computer is sometimes a little dumb because they stand on the other side of the field (where they can't hit you) And then they stay attacking there.
There are many other things than story mode like Arcade mode,time attack mode,challenge mode and other things.
Some characters also have Bankai that is one of the strongest attack of that characters.If you play Tosen (character)his bankai is funny because he says: Ban....Kai Lol.
This is a game that can't be overlooked and probably the best fighting game on ds ever!