One of the best Fighter games out for the DS, and a must have for All Bleach fans!!!

User Rating: 9.3 | Bleach DS: Souten ni Kakeru Unmei DS
Personally, I do not buy or play alot of Fighter games, but because I am a huge anime fan and Love the anime Bleach, I decided that this was a must-get-game for me. I'm gonna simply break down this game into sections the way most reviews should to give people the best info about the game that they need. This game may be in Japanese, but getting through the menus is very eazy, and if you already have watched the show, you don't really need to know what their saying since you already have an idea of what is being said. Someone was compiling about Practice mode being hard to get by, guess he didn't know you can press Select and just Skip it :)

Graphics: Compared to JS, this game blows it away when compared in Graphics, they were really well done. As for the Animation of the attacks, and the Bankai's, they fire off pretty smooth. Not much else to say, if you've seen pics, or vids, i'm sure you'll know how great it looks already.

Gameplay: Besides we already know about this game being a Fighter, this game has some great features that make it even better then others. Being able to have some 2v2 games (Yes, you CAN Co-op with a friend if he has it also against 2 CPU's) is really great. The Story mode lets you play as a character, and playing his/her part in the series (Example, Playing as Zaraki, you will of course be fighting against Ichigo, Tossen, etc..) The game is very fast paced, so you won't have slow long battles, nor short ones either. They are 1 round fights with strong HP, so don't expect to die from a Bankai in 1 shot (cept Soifons, using Bankai twice = Auto death) and for the people that wanna know how Tossens Bankai works, Yes you do go into that dark world, and yes you cannot see Tossen, nor hit him since of course you cannot see, hear, etc. And if your playing as Tossen, you course will see the enemy, and he cannot do anything :) Not every Captain has their Bankai since it would be a spoiler, but their Large attacks make up for it (about 7/13 captains have it) This game also features a card system, which allows to you to + your stats during battle or Decrease your Enemy's, and so on making the game even more interesting. This game also has a Total of about 29 characters.

Sound: I was very surprised to hear that Every character has their actual voice (its funny to hear rukia at the end of a battle going "bwhahaha", and sounds of attacks and everything else is just amazing, even using the same music of the show. The Intro at the beginning, plays the same song as the 3rd Opening from the Anime. Even more surprised is the actual "Bankai!!!" they shout out is the very same voice "like tossen saying it quietly, or Renji yelling it out) You may not know japanese, but because of the use of Voice, you put the cursor over a menu at the beginning, Ichigo (for example) will say "Arcade modea" and "Versea modea" so its not to hard to work your way around.

Value: I gave this a good Value because not only can you play Co-op with a friend, but this game also Features Wi-Fi. So your able to battle with other people all around, and being able to have a 4 player battle makes it all the more fun.

Final Review: I 100% Recommend this game to ALL Bleach fans, as Anime fans as well. As for people that just enjoy a good fighter game, this is probably one of the best DS fighters out, so it would be worth playing also. I wouldn't bother waiting for the English version, since it's probably gonna take some time to come out (Probably sometime in 2007 Q2 or even Q3)