A pretty good game for a dead system.
Blinx was originally going to be Microsoft's mascot but his only two games were poorly received by critics and Microsoft dropped him. I only have the first one right now and it's pretty fun. The gameplay is solid platforming gameplay.
You advance through the game by defeating all of the enemies in each stage. Rather than punching or kicking, Blinx uses a vaccuum like weapon similar to Ratchet's Suck Cannon or Shadow's Egg Vaccuum. The difference is that Blinx's weapon is actually helpful. You suck up trash and spit it back out at enemies. It's a bit odd at first but you get used to it.
The game's gimmick is the time powers. I actually find them to be somewhat annoying. To get a time power you must collect crystals scattered throughout the stages. Every four crystals gives you a time power, but if you collect a bad sequence of crystals you won't get a time power.
Blinx's life system ties into the time powers in a strange way. Blinx only takes one hit and then dies. But you can go back to the moment just before you were killed by grabbing a proper combination of heart shaped time crystals which will give you a "retry".
Some stages actually require you to use these powers to advance, and if you haven't done the proper crystal collecting or don't know how to properly utilize the required time power you're screwed. You have to restart the stage.These issues really don't come up until later in the game (about world 4). But that's also an issue. The first half of the game is incredibly easy and then the difficulty suddenly shoots up to insane.
The later stages wouldn't be so difficult if the game didn't force you to deal with a ten minute time limit for each stage. The time limit is your worst enemy. You'll often find yourself on your way out of a stage with only a few enemies left only to be forced to restart by the time limit.
The music and graphics are both stunning. I frequently found myself replaying stages just to see the view or listen to the great music. Blinx himself doesn't speek any English. His speech is similar to Billy Hatcher's, only less annoying.
Overall, despite it's issues, I really enjoy the game so I won't be too harsh with the score.