If You're A Fan, Then You're A Fan

User Rating: 8 | Blitz: The League II PS3
If you liked the original Blitz: The League, then you'll enjoy this 1 as well. Yes, it has fictional teams. So what!!! The previous version did as well. That's not a stickin' point here. EA owns the rights to that 'til 2013. Movin' on! LOL The good thing, is that it's real familiar. The bad thing, is that it's too familiar. The graphics aren't too much of an upgrade from the original Blitz: The League. The only major visual upgrade comes in the injuries. You can issue a wide range of pain. From skull fractures, to scrotum ruptures, & everything in-between. The choice of where to inflict an injury, when you have your target squared up, is a nice feature; but, is almost pointless, because everything happens flash quick. Pumpin' the X button to determine the severity of the injury can be a bit cumbersome, but necessary here. Even though, the computer players tend to skirt out a lot of potentially lengthy injuries, at least you can wear them down, 'til they're out. Late hits are also a good addition to this, as it adds to the wear down of certain players. The key to the late hit, are player tackles (meanin' YOU tackle the player). That opens you up to let in on to whomever you'd like, providin' they're close to you when the opportunity arises. Overall, this isn't really built to attract new fans. This is for the folks that bought it the 1st time around, enjoy the raunchy story (I do!!! - LOL), & the over-the-top play devoid of Madden. It's an overall good game.