wats more fun than smacking a guy down untll he has a torn MCL?
the gameplay in this game is really fast paced and exciting. The controls are much different than ur average football game so it takes some getting used to.Guys on defence can perform bone crushing hits while theyre unleashed meter is getitng filled up. To fill up ur clash meter, u must gain yards or make ur opponent lose yards. To go into Unleashed MODE, you must collect clash icons. to do this, ur clash meter must be substantially full and you gotta perfrom CLASH while catching a ball, avoiding defenders, divlering a hit, etc. Get enough clash icons and go into Unleashed Mode and wipe the turf with your opponents blood. Sound confusing? it shouldnt. When a hit is hard enough, the camera will actually zoom in and let you see the injury unfold in slow motion inside the players body, it can go from a broken bone to a torn MCL/ACL, If your player does get injured, you can always "provide help" by juicin them, this will reduce their injury time, but may decrease their attributes. If the injury is too severe however, nothin can be done to help them in-game. If u dont get this, you can always take the tutorial. sound confusing? well, it shouldnt.
The graphics in this game are well presented in an arcade-like format. Players may seem choppy at times, and a helmet may magically appear on a guys head after it was just ripped off by a defender, but you dont really pay attention to those when playing.
Story Mode (Campaign):
A sports game with a story mode? i must be kiddin.....nah. While just losin to the famed New York Nightmares, your franchise is in dismay. The owner decided to do a complete re-haul of the team and start all over. Your job is to create a new team, choose the colors, choose a rookie, veteran, coach, doctor, etc. You will start in the lowly Division 3 and try to work your way up to Division 1 and win the Leauge Championship. Before games, you can wager money based on the odds of you winning/losing the games.The main focus in this story are 3 guys, the owner, rookie, and veteran. While fun at 1st, you can see the story getting repetitive, game after game, after game trying to unlock different unlockables and accolades. If your players arent playin up to ur expectations, you can give em a little juice, just make sure they dont overdose and get caught by the Leauge.
I do reccomend this game to football fans and non football fans alike as this provides for a really fun experience for a while, especially when playin and crushing ur friends.
The Good: fun/fast gameplay, great animations on injuries, great tutorial and unlockables available
The Bad: replay system is screwed up, graphics are choppy, story could be a little better, lacks game modes
Gameplay: 9
Graphics: 6
Value: 6.5
Controls: 7
Fun Factor: 9
Overall Rating: 7.5
Well, thats all there is to my review on Blitz the League for the PS2. Hope you liked it. bye for now! :)