Eh is what i have to say. This game was a huge letdown. Im very disapointed that they didnt make this game what it could
Lets start with the Graphics. The Player models look pretty nice and the tackle animations are cool at first but get very old quick. The player faces r so generic unless its the team captain. They all look exactly the same. The catchign animations are poor and the players look like they have a stick up thier butts. The cutscenes look dull and the menus are ok.
The audio is some of the worst on field I have ever seen. the announcer doesnt say anything exept for one every 5 mineutes. The crowds boo when u score a TD. The soundtrack is solid and the voice actign is ok.
The Gameplay gets old real fast. The players dont feel liek you r controlling them. The tackling feels okay but it could have been better. The injurires are actually real good. they show an x-ray of what happened and they let u juice ur player or treat it naturally.
The main part of this game was supposed to be the story mode. It is pathetic. Every once in awhile the sotry shwos up and they just talk abotu something pointless. Its cool how they go over the teams best player before a game but as most things in this game it gets real old real fast. They start you off and you have to select a coach, o-coord, team captain and a rookie. The players that they give u r horrid and dont have any personality. Giving players steroids is so dumb. They instantly recover your player which makes no sense. No steroid instantly recovers a broken leg. The worst is that they dont keep player stats. I have never seen a sports game w/o player stats. They only shwo the league leaders. The top 5. So I had no idea how My QB was doing.
The off the wall celebrations are repetive. They are sometimes funny but they repeat alot.
Positives- Play models look good nice. The injury scenes, Celebrations are soemtiems funny.
Negatives- Players run awful. The story mode is pathetic, Only 3 game modes. Quick Play, Online and Campaign. Feels rushed. The audio is horrid. They dotn keep player stats. There isnt much good to say about this game.
if you love football get madden, If u like football get NFL Street 2. That game is twice if not 3 times as good as this piece.