Good game at first but gets boring and cheesy after awhile.

User Rating: 8.6 | Blitz: The League PS2
Blitz-The league is a good game, in theory, but has many flaws.
A big flaw is that they included only 15 teams, which is kind of small, hopefully if they are going to make a sequal, they will ad more teams, maybe somewhere around 28-30 like the real NFL. Another flaw is that the loading and saving times are rediculous. I always swtich from video to TV whenever it saves, it takes about 2-3 commercials for it to finish saving, which is about 1minute. Most games only take a couple seconds to save. Also, THE PROFANITY is ridiculous. They over use the F word and other curses. At first it is kind of funny and sets the tone of the game, but after awhile it becomes annoying. It's not like I don't swear, actually I also swear a little too much at times, but the amount of curses in this game is ridiculous.
But what really matters in a game is the gameplay. THe gameplay is fun, but after awhile the game becomes boring because you see yourself using the same couple plays over and over again. Also, the game is a little stupid, fumbles occur to often and the opponent can catch an interception when his hand is 3 feet away from the ball, which can get annoying, but also work in your favor.
THe campaign mode is the heart of the game, but you will have to play quickplay in order to unlock everything (unless you use a cheat system like Codebreaker or Action Replay). However, the campaign could use a couple more cutscenes, so you remeber what you are playing for. But the storyline is a great one.
Basically Blitz is a good game as soon as you open it, but gets dull after your play it for about 10 hours. Good thing I rented it and didn't buy it.