When you think of Blitz you think of late hits cheap shots and unlimited violence. And your right!

User Rating: 9.4 | Blitz: The League (Platinum Hits) XBOX
The gameplay would haft to be the strongest part of Blitz. It is very basic with step back throw the ball. They added a clash meter that you can throw or run a fancy touchdown. However on Defence is where this comes in handy and is fun as hell to use. This inables you to force a turnover or injury with just holding the L triger and A you unleesh holy hell on the ball carrier.

However there is some bad parts. There is no Franchise mode, well no big. But they tried a storymode. This doesnt work at all. Its to cheezy and just doesnt make any sense at all.

But there is the gameplay and sound which just sepreates this game from any other. So what I am trying to say? Go get this game rent buy it steal it (don't really steal it) but its worth it.