Best Blitz game since the original in arcades.

User Rating: 7 | Blitz: The League (Platinum Hits) XBOX
Personally, I don't think the Blitz series should of been put onto consoles. Its a really fun game for a few minutes, but you don't want to play game after game.

Although, in this installment the story does keep you wanting to play game after game just to see what the next cutscene will be, but after about the 20th game or so I was all Blitz out and ready to go back to Madden. Blitz: The League is a really fun game to play with friends with somebody in the room to talk junk to and such (I did not try the online play) but when you're playing the single player mode its can get old fast even with the story and cutscenes and injuries. Don't buy this game, rent it first and if you are unlike me and want to play it after a week, then think about buying it.