Blitz dangles piece of rotted meat wrapped in a pancake
When the teams get too "fired up" from the "dirty hits" including shoestring tackles (dirty shoestring tackles) and Brawl, where you take one player at a time and dive into nowhere while watching from apparently the blimp view.
Every throw for you is too short and intercepted, every throw for them is uncontested and a touchdown because your players on turbo are slower than their jog. Speaking of passing, you have exactly between 1-2 seconds to throw the ball and sometimes that isn't enough time as you're sacked before you can hand it off.
There is no tackle button, there is the "dive" button which misses and takes you out of the play, or the "big hit" button which puts the head down, stumbles, then takes you out of the play. If you do manage to hit them, they will spin and hurdle your entire player... and the next 4 players unharmed.
Blitz is a corndog; where the appeal and bonebreaker are the delicious corn covering, but when you take a bite you flinch at the rotten meat underneath.