DJ's review of Blitz: The League

User Rating: 7.5 | Blitz: The League X360
I got this game, because I was dead tired of Madden's recycled crap.I had previously bought it for the regular X-Box and gave it a bad review.Now that it's on the 360, I'm giving it a second look.
The graphics have not been changed much if at all, but they still have all the cool tackles and injury animations.The cutscenes throughout the story line are mediocre.
The sound has been upgraded with new tracks to listen to, and most are good.The players still are up to par when it comes to smart ass remarks before and after the snap.
The gameplay is very simple, and just plain fun.Once you play the game is gets very addicting.
If you're looking for a fun football game, tired of recycled Madden year after year, and can handle mature content (violence and steroid abuse) then pick this up.