Fun gameplay, horrible load times

User Rating: 7.5 | Blitz: The League PS2
This game is extremely fun to play. You get the chance to lay bone jarring hits on your opponents that will have you forget the "hit stick" hype of madden last year. Not only will you pound your opponent, but you'll be cheating and smack talking all the while. When the ball is in your possession you can slow down to bullet time in order to make the best moves to beat tacklers.

Now, once the score is 100-0 in your favor you'll realize maybe this game was a little too rewarding. This game is fun to play with your friends, but the season will offer you little substance. The trash talk and end zone celebration scenes are entertaining, but get repetitive after a few games.

My biggest gripe however is the load times. Before every game, and to go between most menus, you'll spend a few minutes staring at an unchanging screen. They couldn't even humor us with a loading bar, the game just sits in limbo.

Take away the horrible load times and crank up the difficulty and you have yourself a winner. Rent this one, enjoy it with some friends and take it back.