DJ's review of Blitz: The League

User Rating: 2.8 | Blitz: The League (Platinum Hits) XBOX
EA did a very cold move buying out the NFL license from every other developer until 2010.I was all about my ESPN 2k5.Now I'm all about my 360 Madden 06.Midway, who hasn't produced a good NFL Blitz since the 64 days, was even knocked out of the race.So they tried to send out a message by creating this piece of crap.
People may tell you this game is way too easy, but when I played.I only won 2 out of the 5 games I played.Of course then again, the only reason I won the first one is because I finally gave in and shot my football players in the ass with the 'roid needle.The 2nd one was because I gave my opponent hookers to have their way with.Which says, the only way you will win is playing dirty.The expected intention of seriously injuring players on purpose makes me sick!
The graphics and audio are great.Hell, I even had fun playing the games I won, but the game in itself is rediculous!With things like breaking other players bones on purpose, poking players in the eyes, and for god sakes to get a first down you need to get 30 yards.
If you respect the NFL, you will not respect this game.Trust me, it is better to give in to the tyrant known as EA.Stay away from this disgrace to football!