If you are a wwll fanatic than take my review seriously and than go and buy this game. Immersion is unbelievable.
User Rating: 9.7 | Blitzkrieg 2 PC
As soon as you use the rotation option you will enjoy this game 100% more than the first. Just watching your units move over hills and plains of europe you will be hooked. All the units move smoothly and they never stutter or lag. The biggest upgrade and most important is the "path finding" and this time they really worked the issue. Everything is still realistic where your units turn stop and go but infantry moves out of the way and it handles beautifully. The action is great and its not "arcady" at all. I was so scared they were going to make a "c&c" type game . Tanks knock down trees and the little details such as the shade over a tank when its under a tree is perfect.....Eye candy. So anyway buy this game if you enjoyed the first BK or if your looking for a real RTS. Realism is what the Germans are offering up here and thats what will catch you immediately plus who else can make a better WWll game. Really, who?