For those of you that loved Blitzkrieg 1, DONT BUY Blitzkrieg 2! I have never spent so much time screaming at my monitor
Gone is the trusted artilery of B1, gone are the reconisance units to use the artilery & spot the area before you send your precious tanks into the frey. But instead you get a whole lot of specialised infantry units, that have less range than the enemies main infantry so any perks you get are instantly negated by the fact that you are guned down before you can get near them! Tanks are now toast as soon as any infantry get with in grenade throwing range, which is about 2 nanoseconds after they appear in your resticted view. Upon finding yourself in said infantrys pinic area, you will attempt a hasty retreat back to your dawdling infantry, but no, the rear tanks that are out of gun range, (about 2 cm further than grenade range), will back up slowly, the tanks closest to the targets will turn their tanks & expose the weakest armour to the enemy, plus turn the hull machine guns away from said infantry, (whose range is actually less than the greande throwing range) then sit there banging into each other as they try to pick a path away! So if you come out of the said frey with anything more than the last 2 tanks you can consider yourself lucky. This would be nullified if you could advance your tanks in a line, but no, as soon as you click move or engage & move, they spend 15 seconds banging into each other trying to form back into a column, & then by that time the lead tank has advanced ahead by itself & benn toasted by some unknown AT gun from goodness knows where, as you missed the action trying to sort your other tanks out from the ammo truck that had decided to replenish itself at the supply depot on the other side of the map through enemy controled territory.
But wait, there is more, the mid game Tank Destoryers have less or equal punch as the medium tanks, but no mg's! So I guess they are useless, as they cant entrench either. The supply trucks, which are way to few & cant be brought, are no longer able to top up the infantry units or captured weapons with men. Plus they supply ammo so slowly that you spend a considerable amount of time waiting for your tanks & guns to get resupplied. Even at 1 truck to 1 AA gun ratio, I ran out of ammo fending off regulary timed infantry assaults. Dont even start me on the path picking of them, oh, lets park the truck on the fars side of the depot & walk all the way around to reload it! ARRRGGGHHH!
Well the straw for me was Stalingrad, where my units are getting toasted the moment they appear on the map as the enemy has entrentched Infantry & AT positions 6cm from where you spawn. I mean for goodness sake, I hadnt even had time too group them! Add to this that you have 3 simultainous point happening at once in the same situation I am sure you can imagine the stress! My tanks of course are using the main gun of the infantry whilst the big AT guns toast me one at a time, I choose them their target, they slowly move the turet, fire 1 shot then go back to the infantry.
Oh & by the way, this is the easy level, which CDV need to go look up in an ENGLISH dictionary - meaning: 1 - not needing much effort. 2 - free from pain, care or anxiety. Both of which this game was not. For those that like a nighmare, thats what the hard level is for, for those of us that come home from a crazy day at work, we want EASY!!!! As defined where my 4 MkIIIj can toast a KV1 & NOT where my 8 MkIIIj's all die to 1 entrench T34.
Unistalled! Life is short.
Good aspects:
#Liked the commanders interface, where your branches (ie AT, or Med Tank) gain rank & ability.
#Reinforcement idea is good, but needs ability to get a few straight away at game start, not 1 a minute.
#New infantry is cool, but specialists need beefing up.
#Tutorial was good. Although please explain the Ground attack aircraft better.
Bad Aspects:
#Where is the artilary & the spotters?
#Please fix the path finding!!!!!! this is worse than B1!!! Hear me WORSE!
#Give us back the abilty to heal troops & replenish soldiers, plus equip captured weapons.
#Can we have some space/room & time to organise ourselves before the enemy onslaught right infront of the spawn area, compounded by the appauling path picking where you need to move stuff along way out of the way so you can get into formation.
#please make EASY, just that... this is a nightmare. & yes, I can play the game, completed B1 on hard.