Like most of the other reviewers, I'm a little disapointed with Gamespot's review of the game. In fact, I'm also VERY disapointed with Gamespots support for the game - no downloadable game guide, no available walkthroughs, just a couple of cheat codes. Trully this is a highly underrated and undersupported game. Maybe it's because the game is not a big seller. I don't know, but its a disapointment. In any case, to be fair to Gamespot, this is not your average RTS. As people have stated: there is no resource gathering, & unless specifically specified in the scenario, what you start out with is what you have. This could be what you want, or it could be frustrating. Beginners to RTS games and combat strategy in general will probably not like it. Mistakes in this game will have a serious impact on your success or failure. You cannot simply "buy" your way out of a poorly conceived attack - your units will get cut to pieces and you will have to complete the rest of the mission without them. Arm chair strategists like myself will (I think) really enjoy it. The lack of resource gathering and the finite number of available units adds a sense of realism that I don't believe is available in the average RTS with resource gathering. This is a hard game to play well. Mistakes are costly and easy to make if you do not plan your operations. Recon, support, logistics and preparation are vital to just about everything you do. While it is hard to play well, it is VERY satisfying to complete the missions. Once you start to understand the importantce of doing proper recon before moving you start to gain a feeling for the flow of the game. Once you start understanding how to "dig-in" and set your defenses you will not have to play a mission through 5 times before you have all the defenses in the right places. The learning curve is pretty shallow in order to just learn how to move your units around and attack - however, it should be noted that that is only the beginning. The docs to address tactics and such, but I don't think they do it well enough the treatment is pretty dry and could use some "life". I have to admit that at one point I set the game asside because I found some missions I just could NOT do. Later I figured out that I had made the mistake of "upgrading" some units in a way that made some of the missions MUCH more difficult than they would have been. I LOVE this game, it has definitely been worth the frustration and learning curve difficulties and fighting through my own mistakes.
BLITZKRIEG is what I always like to call "One of the Greatest Games for me" and now let me explain why. Graphics: The Graphics in blitzkrieg are pretty nice, (though artillery shots could be different each hit)... Read Full Review
Yes, indeed. And I put "pain" in front of "fun" because that's exactly what happened to me. The game started out mediocre in every way, at first I even considered this game as some type of degraded command & conquer. And... Read Full Review