Good World War 2 RTS game but it's underrated.
Graphics: The graphics are quite good, it mixed both 2-D and 3-D effects though it is mostly done in 2-D. The units aren’t particularly impressive in detail, however, but such faults come from the limited capabilities of 2D graphics. Likewise, the audio hasn’t improved much from its predecessor. Also the destruction is quite good and are quite realistic when things are destoryed or explodes.
Sound: The sound is good. Every thing sounds like the way they should, from the gun fire to the planes that fly over the map.
Value: All in all this is a good game but this game does have it's flaws. Firstly there is alot of micro-managment, so if you don't pay attiontion to one group of things they can be quickly destroyed. Also maps can be like a puzzle just to find your way though it. But this game does have good replay value for the single payer campaine. But it's lacking a multiplayer portion of the game. To bad this game is underrated, it is one of the few good World War 2 RTS games out there.
So I have this game 8.2 out of 10.