Mix of Pain and Fun
It took me quite awhile to realize that this game is actually puzzle-like, and certain strategies are simply dead ends, you simply have to find another way around if your currently strategy doesn't work. Different types of units have very distinct functionalities and each are fun to use.
This is a game which you will want to do A LOT of reconnaissances before you decide how you are gonna initiate an attack, because one single mistake in miscalculating enemies' strength could potential be overwhelming or fatal to the mission. This is true even when you are decent with the game mechanics.
After awhile this game does get repetitive, and some later missions could be painfully slow (especially when you are repeating the strategies from prior missions).
Conclusion is, this game is quite interesting (to someone who's used to starcraft or age of empres type of rts games), the puzzle-like nature of the game makes it true "strategy" game rather than "tactic" game, and it forces you to think the big picture. Only wishes it having more diverse strategies and unit types to last the game longer, and oh the multiplayer sucks big time.