If you look closer, you can find much better games than this, though it's still a great game.
Blockland is a sandbox game that is pretty good, though I've seen better. This game takes on the looks of LEGO blocks, and combine it with many "different" things. You can add actions to them, set them on fire, and more. Now, setting the actions to blocks takes a bunch of going back and forth until you find the correct setting that suits your thing best.
Let's start out with multiplayer and the single player. Playing by yourself isn't as fun as with others, but it certainly not fun at all when you have players that just feel plain stupid, which Blockland is full of. Reason why there are? This game was targeted for younger players, but many teens play it, even adults (Though it looks pretty weird as an adult playing a kids game). The Multiplayer was basically the main reason WHY Blockland was built, as it's the most fun. Many servers are on Blockland, but almost ALL of them will at least have one mod you need to download.
Next, let's talk the help, or the forums. You can ether send an email to the team who made Blockland, or otherwise, talk to the forums. For me, I'd prefer the forums, as many people know secrets that help you the most if emailing just doesn't work out. The help section contains SOME things that could help you, but they're mostly the common things. Make sure you have Windows Vista, update your drivers, blah blah blah. Now, let's talk forums instead now. The forums has many topics, which is mostly about the game itself, while some are just about "OK, I'm leaving the game. Please cry for me if you want," which nobody ever cares about. The forums is still a good place if you need a certain mod you need to enter a server, or just need help.
I basically said all the good stuff, so now how about BAD stuff? I'll tell you, but don't freak out, this is MY OPINIONS. That's what User Reviews are for, RIIIIIGGGGGHHHHTTT?
Let's start out with the biggest thing: Too many hackers ruin everything! They'll hack your account, they'll cry for you to leave (For which you don't, they complain to Badspot and they ban you off servers), and many other things. Also, if the players get lucky, Badspot gives them a "second chance," which is pretty stupid in MY opinion. Most players behave if they get 2nd chances, others, well, don't behave. Also, you have to pay $20 for full version if you want to play online. For me, a game like this, I DON'T want to pay for. You can find the original version Badspot ever made for free if you look hard enough, which is legally free. Otherwise, you can look for others, such as The Better Block, or even The Orange Block.
Final Appeal: 7.0/10
This game just doesn't appeal to me. The first time I ever found it, it was awesome. But now that I've found others, it just doesn't work out. The game is great still, but it's not something you're going to play every day. Just not something you want to pay for.